Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Essay of dream act Essay

Course Description: This course is an examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practices applied to programs, environments, emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectual development for all children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, ethics and professional identity. Course Objectives: upon successful completion of this course students will- a. Identify the historical roots of early childhood education. b. List different program types, delivery systems and licensing and regulation structures in early childhood settings. c. Demonstrate awareness of developmental ages and stages. d. Define developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate practice. e. Describe why access to play is important for all children and ways of using a play-based curriculum as a vehicle for developing skills, dispositions, and knowledge. f. Describe appropriate adaptations (programmatic, curricular and environmental strategies) needed to support children with diverse abilities and characteristics. g. Identify and compare effective policies, practices and environments in early childhood settings. h. Describe the characteristics of effective relationships and interactions between early childhood professionals, children, families and colleagues and examine the importance of collaboration. i. Describe the relationship of  observation, planning, implementation, and assessment in effective programming. j. Compare and contrast principles of positive guidance and identify strategies for different ages. k. Identify practices promoting positive classroom management, guidance, communication and problem-solving skills. l. Develop strategies to maintain communication and access with English language learning families and children. m. Demonstrate skills to maintain positive team relations. n. Explain child development as a profession, including ethics and professional organizations. o. Compare and contrast theoretical perspectives. p. Develop and articulate a professional philosophy. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Examine the value of play as a vehicle for developing skills, knowledge, dispositions and strengthening relationships among young children. 2. Analyze the relationship between observation, planning, implementation and assessment in developing effective teaching strategies and positive learning and development. 3. Assess early childhood settings, curriculum and teaching strategies utilizing indicators of quality early childhood practice that support all children including those with diverse characteristics and their families. 4. Interpret best and promising teaching and care practices as defined within the field of early care and education including an historic overview, range of delivery systems, program philosophies and ethical standards. 5. Identify the underlying theoretical perspective in forming a professional philosophy. 6. Examine a variety of guidance and interaction strategies to increase children’s social competence and promote a caring classroom community. This Course Meets NAEYC Early Childhood Associate Degree Accreditation Standard 5: Becoming a Professional- Students prepared in associate degree programs identify and conduct themselves as members of the early childhood profession. They know and use ethical guidelines and other professional standards related to early childhood practice. They are continuous, collaborative learners who demonstrate knowledgeable, reflective, and critical perspectives on their work, making informed decisions that  integrate knowledge from a variety of sources. They are informed advocates for sound educational practices and policies. Attendance and Participation: Students are expected to attend all class meetings. As future ECE professionals, students must demonstrate the commitment to professional standards through good attendance and punctuality. Please arrive on time and do not leave early. It reflects badly on you and you will miss important class materials. Attendance and participation are vital to success in this, or any other college-level course. Students may not make up in-class activities, nor may they complete those activities early. Journal writing is completed and in-class points are recorded at different times throughout the class session. If you are unable to attend the full class session regularly, you should arrange to take another section of this class. It is always the student’s responsibility to acquire class materials for any missed class time. DO NOT phone or email the instructor for missed class materials. Towards this end, students are encouraged to obtain a â€Å"phone or email buddy†, get the number or email address of a classmate and agree to share information when one or the other is absent. This instructor makes use of BlackBoard. All assignments and handouts are available via our course shell and some assignments may be submitted in BlackBoard as well. Students who miss the first class without notifying the instructor will be dropped. Excessive absences (more than 2) may result in the student being dropped from the class. However, students should not assume that poor attendance will automatically result in a Withdrawal. It is the student’s responsibility to contact Enrollment Services and the instructor to arrange to drop a course. Students learn best when they feel comfortable and â€Å"safe† . To this end, each student will be expected to come to class prepared, to be courteous of fellow classmates, and to actively participate in the learning process. This means that you will have read the material in preparation for discussion in class and will bring questions and comments about assignments to class. Students who are active learners do best in all academic arenas and are best prepared to teach young children how to be active learners. If any student has a problem, question, concern, and/or special learning need, it is expected that these will be discussed, in private, with the instructor. Note: This college abides by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation  Act of 1973 that stipulates that no student shall be denied the benefits of an education â€Å"solely by reason of a handicap†. If you have a documented disability, which limits a major life activity that may have some impact on your work in this class and for which you may require accommodation, please discuss that with your instructor during the first two weeks of class. In addition, please seek the support of the Disabled Students Programs and Services at 773-2535 –so that appropriate accommodations may be arranged. Classroom Routines and Expectations: Each day class will follow the same routine with some variations for special class trips or projects. When you enter the classroom, please check in with the instructor. Pick up your folder and remove any graded work. Keep your folder with you until the end of the class session. Place any work to be graded in the folder and return it to the instructor prior to leaving. We will have a short â€Å"meeting† to clarify the class objectives and tasks for the day. After meeting students will have one to one and a half hours of self-directed work time. During this time students may complete chapter reading, work on individual papers or projects, work on group papers or projects (quietly so that those working on individual projects are not disturbed). During the self-directed portion of class, each student will meet with the instructor for 5-10 minutes. This is the time to address questions, concerns, or problems that you are not comfortable discussing in the large class. During the class schedule there will be tasks set up for each group/individual to complete. All tasks must be completed each class session for full points. Prior to leaving for the day, there will be a large group discussion and time for questions at the end of class each day. Turn in your folder with any work to be graded prior to leaving for the day. Assignments and Grades: Assignment Points Possible Total Points Earned Chapter Reflections Observations 7 @ 10 points each 5 @ 10 points each 70 50 Historical Project 1 2 10 points 10 Philosophy Statement Portfolio In Class Work 1 @ 10 points 1 @ 10 points 10 @ 5 points each 10 10 50 Grade Scale: 200-180=A 179-160= B 159-140=C 139-120=D 119-0=F Instructor Expectations: One of the goals of this class is to prepare students to be successful professionals. Part of having a successful image is the ability to produce neat, legible, coherent, grammatically correct, and thorough written materials. To allow anything less is to improperly prepare students for their upcoming careers. Note: It will be impossible for students to earn an â€Å"A† on any work not demonstrating college-level writing standards, regardless of the quality of the content. (See attached sheet for clarification of college level writing standards.) The instructor will spend time and energy in class working on papers, PowerPoint, and presentations so that you can turn in your best work. Student Responsibilities: It is recommended that students make copies of all assignments before they are turned in and that each graded assignment be retained after it has been returned. (It is rare that assignments get lost or grades incorrectly recorded, but this practice will assure grade accuracy). Students need to keep track of their grades/progress to ensure accuracy. Grades are posted in Blackboard and student must track grades as they are earned. If you observe an error, bring it to the instructor as soon as possible. Bring the graded paper to the instructor; grades are not changed upon your word alone. Students are welcome to meet privately with the instructor to discuss their progress. Student Handbook and other important information: The Student Conduct Standards for student behavior are outlined in the college catalog. All students are expected to know and adhere to the conduct standards. Students who are disruptive to the instructor or other students, insubordinate, demeaning or threatening through verbal or physical means will be expelled from class and the instructor will institute college disciplinary action against such students. Be Courteous: Turn off cell phones while in class. Do not take calls or text. It is distracting to other students and to you! If there is an emergency so dire that you must be on-call, please put your phone on vibrate and leave the room to take a call. Do not engage in side discussions during class. It is likewise distracting to those around you. For the optimal grade, focus your time and energy on the classroom experience. Final Note: Although your instructor is sympathetic to the difficulties that students who are also parents encounter as they try to juggle the dual responsibilities that they shoulder, it is against COD policy to allow students to bring minor children to class (unless that child is enrolled in the course). Please make arrangements for back-up child care for the â€Å"last minute emergencies† that are bound to occur. Thank you. Early Childhood Education Obligation of Confidentiality As a student in the Early Childhood Education program, I, ________________________ Agree to respect and maintain the commitment to children, families, colleagues, and community as set forth in the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) Code of Ethical Conduct. AS a major component of this commitment I agree to respect the right to privacy of children, their families, ECE colleagues, and programs by not disclosing any knowledge, records, or other confidential information to anyone. This means that I will not discuss, repeat, or share information about children, families, colleagues, and programs outside of class or directed assignments. I may share information that is pertinent to classroom discussions regarding quality programming, as long as all identities (individual and program) are protected. I will abide by this obligation of confidentiality and recognize that unauthorized release of confidential information may make me subject to a civil actio n under the provisions of the Welfare and Institutions Code. Signed:_______________________________________ Date:_________________________________________ College Level Writing Standards As you complete your work, review the following questions: Presentation: Is your paper typed (12 pt. font), double-spaced, and have 1† margins? Do you include a properly formatted cover sheet? Does your paper use Times New Roman, Arial, or other standard font? Ink color is black. Grading Rubric is attached. Writing: Is your paper well organized? Does your response have a clear plan? Is it developed logically? Is there an introduction and a conclusion? Are the paragraphs linked with transitional devices? Are the paragraphs organized? Do they contain topic sentences? Is the material in each paragraph relevant to the topic sentence? Have you checked the mechanics of your writing? Are the responses free of spelling errors? Does the punctuation help with clarity of thought? Is capitalization used correctly? Are the responses free of sentence errors? Are the responses free of subject-verb agreement errors? Other: Is the vocabulary you have used college-level? (Hint: it probably is if it reflects the vocabulary used by the instructor and/or the text) Are the words used accurately? Are the sentences varied in length and type? Content: Are there original insights provided? Are course concepts applied well? Have you provided evidence to support your conclusions? (In other words, have you demonstrated that you understand the course material and that you are able to effectively apply it to the â€Å"real world†.) Criteria: Format The student has properly formatted the paper with a cover sheet, Times New Roman, Arial, or other appropriate font. Ink color is black. Student used approved APA format and paper conforms to the minimal essentials of Standard American English grammar, word choice, spelling, and punctuation. 25% Comments: Criteria: Purpose/Audience The student has clearly delineated the purpose and audience for the paper by means of a clear focus. Student has created an adequate focus for the paper that is managed and developed appropriately for the assignment. Statement of purpose and subtopics are clearly organized to create a smooth presentation. Judgments and assertions are substantiated with evidence drawn from research. 25% Comments: Criteria: Argument/Analysis/Thesis Student demonstrates analytical skills by adequately expanding on the topic. Paper is neither too short, nor too long for the assignment The paper focuses on the presentation by means of a clear statement of purpose and logically organized subtopic paragraphs. The writer substantiates judgments and assertions with specific illustrations, facts, and evidence drawn from research appropriate to the assignment and to the discipline. 25% Comments: Criteria: Scholarship The writer has added to the on-going discussion of the topic with his or her own critical analysis, rather than simply repeating what others have said through quotation stacking, paraphrasing, or summaries. The writer draws upon research when necessary to support critical analysis or assertions made and properly acknowledges the work of others by using proper APA documentation format. 25% Comments: Criteria: Extra Credit Points (no more than 10 % of total grade) Student has provided at least one carefully proofread and documented draft. Documentation is an attached form from the Writing Center, completed at least 24 hours prior to due date. Points Earned: Comments: Final Comments: Grade: Calendar and Due Dates: ECE 001 Section 2210 EVC Date: Topic In Class Work Assignments Due Weekend Homework Week One 08/26- Welcome 08/26- Review Syllabus, Complete Station to Station Activity 08/26-Station to Station Card. Get text if you don’t already have it. Read chapter one, The Teacher by 09/09. Week Two 09/09- The Teacher 09/09- Review Chapter One: The Teacher 09/09-Chapter One Reflection Read Chapter Two by 09/16 Week Three 09/16- The Field 09/16-Careers and Programs. Licensing and Standards 09/16-Chapter Two Reflection Read Chapter Three prior to 09/23 Week Four 09/23-History and Models 09/23- History and Educational Models, in class work. In Class work only Read Chapter Eight and review the Observation Packet. Make appointments for four observations. Week Five 09/30-McCarthy Center Observation Meet at Palm Desert Campus by 1:00 pm. Room West Annex 1. Observation at McCarthy Center. Schedule of Observations. Complete Observation Essay and Packet, Due 10/07. Read Chapter Four and Five by 10/07. Week Six 10/08-Observing And Assessing 10/10-Child Development 10/07-Observing and Playing – Make a child 10/10-Chapter Four Reflection Read Chapter Six and complete reflection. Week Seven 10/14-Guidance 10/14-Guidance PPT 10/14-Chapter Six Reflection Read Chapter Seven. Week Eight 10/21- Health and Safety 10/21-Is this place clean and safe? 10/21-Observation #2 packet and summary Read Chapter Nine and Complete Reflection Week Nine 10/28-Play!! 10/28-The importance of Play to Healthy Development and Learning 10/28-Chapter Nine Reflection Read Chapter Ten and Eleven Week Ten 11/04-Curriculum Planning 11/04-Curriculum Planning, Curriculum Models and DAP 11/04-Observation #3 packet and summary Read Chapter Twelve and complete Reflection Week Eleven 11/18-Inclusion and Universal Design 11/18- Inclusion of all children Universal Design for Learning 11/18- Chapter Twelve Reflection Read Chapter Thirteen and complete Reflection Week Twelve 11/25- Working with Families In class work only 11/18-Observation #4 packet and summary Chapter Thirteen Reflection Read Chapter Fourteen and begin Philosophy Statement and Education Plan Week Thirteen 12/02-Becoming a Professional 11/25- Philosophies and Education Plans Drafts of Philosophy Statements and Education Plans Complete Philosophy Statement; be sure it reflects your best work. Week Fourteen 12/09-Review of Important Class points 12/09-Becoming a Professional. Complete final work in class. 12/09- Philosophy Statement Complete Observation #5 and Education Plan/Portfolio Week Fifteen 12/16- Final – Wrapping it up. 12/16- What we learned in this class. Present education plan 12/16-Observation #5 packet and summary. Education Plan and Portfolio

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